The benefit scheme provides basic dental services to children aged between 2 and 17 years. To assess your eligibility, please read below.
For more information about the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) click on the link below.
Childhood is one of the most important times for achieving and maintaining oral health. Reason being, dental habits, such as maintain healthy teeth and gums, propagate throughout childhood and lead into long-term health during adulthood. At Integrated Dental Care, we are big believers in preventive dentistry and seeing your children every six months for a check-up is necessary to ensure that their oral health is in optimal condition.
So, to ensure your child receives the dental treatment they need and when they need it, the federal government has introduced The Child Dental Benefits Schedule.
This is a dental benefits program for eligible children aged 2-17 years, whose family is currently receiving a government payment such as the Family Tax Benefit Part A. It provides up to $1,095 in benefits over two consecutive years and contributes towards the costs of the most commonly required general dental services, including examinations, x-rays, cleaning, fissure sealing and fillings, plus other treatments.
Eligibility commences on 1 January each year and lasts the entire calendar year.
For more comprehensive information and to check your eligibility, schedule an appointment with the team at Integrated Dental Care and put your child on the path to a healthy and happy smile for life.
The Child Dental Benefits Schedule is a terrific initiative by the government to ensure each and every child has an opportunity to maintain good oral health. We embrace this initiative and recommend you do too.
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Copyright by Integrated Dental Care 2019. All rights reserved.
Copyright by Integrated Dental Care 2019. All rights reserved.