What You Need to Know About TMJ

TMJ is short for temporomandibular disorder and may also be called TMD. You have two temporomandibular joints, hinging your lower jaw. These joints are attached to lots of muscles, allowing your lower jaw to have a wide range of movement. Problems can arise if the joints become worn or if the muscles attached to them become sore and inflamed. If this occurs you may find it painful to open your mouth and your jaw may pop or click when you try to move it. The pain can spread to your neck and shoulders and may cause headaches or tinnitus.
Causes of TMJ
TMJ is often associated with teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism) as this places pressure on the jaw joints and the muscles. Stress may cause you to tighten up your jaw and facial muscles and has also been linked to bruxism.
How is TMJ Treated?
Treatment is often pretty straightforward as we can prescribe a custom-made night guard that will prevent your teeth from contacting, protecting them and putting your jaw into a more relaxed position during sleep.
Prompt treatment is important as TMJ can worsen, so please contact us if you think you might have TMJ so we can make a proper diagnosis.